Challan GPT
WHat we do in 1 Line
challanGPT will gather data
[ real-time automotive data ]
and use the data to save lives
that die from accidents every year
What we solve?
AI integrated into the dashboard will monitor metrics such as whether the driver is speeding, showing signs of drowsiness, driving rashly,
turning without using indicators, not wearing a seatbelt, driving rashly, traveling on the wrong side of the road, running red lights, air pressure in every tyre, among other important measures
Imagine a smart helper in a car's dashboard that watches how you drive.
It checks if you're driving too fast, getting sleepy, or if you're being safe like wearing your seatbelt.
It also sees if you're driving carefully, not going the wrong way, and stopping at red lights. It's like having a clever friend in the car making sure you're doing everything right when you drive
How we solve?
Leveraging the strength of Large Language Models and combining real-time data, historical data, car direction, road conditions, city context, and lighting and various other data, our AI is intelligent enough to predict the outcome of a situation and make informed decisions
Connect With Us
Main Website: MonkAI Technologies
Logix City Center, Sector 32
Noida, UP, India